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Overcome anxiety with hypnotherapy in london

Overcome anxiety with hypnotherapy in london

Beat Anxiety & Anxiety Related Symptoms

Anxiety can have you feeling out of control. For anyone who has ever thought, ‘I feel like I’m losing part of my life, this is for you. Just the thought of speaking to someone about anxiety can be anxiety-inducing – that’s understandable – but by taking that first step to getting in touch today, you’ll soon be enjoying a much happier and more confident life and one where you are in complete control at all times.

If you want to take control back from anxiety in London, then Cognitive Hypnotherapy could be just what you’re looking for today.

Have You Experienced Anxiety Symptoms?

Racing heart/shaking/blushing/sweating/breathing difficulties?

Avoiding doing certain tasks

Worrying excessively?
Trouble sleeping?
Difficulty concentrating?
Frequent use of the toilet?

Cognitive Hypnotherapy Process In London

Basically, I guide you into a place of complete physical and mental relaxation while still being mentally awake and fully controlling your mind and free will.

This is done through deep relaxation techniques and hypnosis, which helps to focus your subconscious mind and make it more receptive and creative.

As a result, this allows for therapeutic change to take place at a subconscious level. This can help deal with problems or issues that you may have been struggling with for a long time, as it enables you to re-frame them in a more positive light and develop new attitudes and behaviours that are more confident, peaceful and resourceful.

Usually, I take 1 to 3 sessions. During our sessions at my clinic in South London, I will teach you the skills you need to deal with whatever life throws your way. I will equip you with simple, efficient methods to empower and re-energise you.

Causes of Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety is something that can affect anyone at any time. It’s a natural stress response and can be caused by several different things. Here are some of the most common causes of anxiety:
1. Trauma – If you’ve experienced a traumatic event, you’ll likely start feeling anxious. This is especially true if the trauma is unprocessed or unresolved.

2. Stress – When we’re constantly under pressure, our bodies release cortisol, which can cause us to feel anxious and stressed.

3. Life changes – Huge life changes, such as moving house, starting a new job or getting married, can all trigger anxiety.

4. Genetics – Some people are more prone to anxiety than others due to their genes. If your parents or grandparents suffered from anxiety, there’s a good chance you will too.

5. Substance abuse – Alcohol and drugs can cause anxiety and other mental health problems.

6. Age – Young people and seniors are more likely to experience anxiety than those in the middle of their lives.

Types of Anxiety Disorders Can Hypnotherapy Help

Clinical hypnotherapy can help with all the most common types of anxiety. Hypnotherapy is a safe way to treat anxiety. But I take a different approach with some types of anxiety disorders.

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is a mental illness that causes people to experience sudden and repeated bouts of intense fear. These feelings can be so overwhelming that they interfere with daily activities.

People with panic disorder may worry about the next attack, avoid certain situations, or become obsessed with health concerns.
However, my Hypnotherapy session can help you manage your symptoms. Treatment options include medication, therapy, and self-help strategies.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is a mental disorder characterised by an intense fear of social situations. This fear can cause people with a social anxiety disorder to avoid socialising altogether or to experience extreme anxiety when interacting with others.

Many people with social anxiety disorder experience physical symptoms such as blushing, sweating, trembling, and nausea. These following symptoms can be so severe that they interfere with daily activities.

It can occur at any age but typically begins in early adulthood. Treatment for social anxiety disorder includes therapy and medication.

Driving Anxiety

It is a feeling of worry or fear when driving. This can be caused by a number of things, such as not being used to driving in a new area, being in a hurry, or being in traffic.

Driving anxiety can cause problems for both the driver and other drivers on the road. For the driver, anxiety can lead to mistakes such as speeding, running red lights, and making sudden turns. These mistakes can put other drivers at risk and can also lead to tickets or accidents.

Who should take on this treatment?

Hypnotherapy can help people who have anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, or even depression. I will help you figure out what’s behind your problems so you can have a different life.

Do any of these things ever occur to you?

• Panic attack problem

• depressed

• health anxiety

• Have physical signs, such as sweating or a racing heart.

• GAD (Generalised anxiety disorder)

• Separation anxiety

• Specific phobias

Benefits of Hypnotherapy For Anxiety

• Understand the roots of your anxiety and how it affects your life.

• Change the way you think about yourself and your anxiety.

• Help you overcome any fears or phobias contributing to your anxiety.

• Teach you breathing exercises and other relaxation techniques that can help you to calm down quickly in stressful situations

• Feel more relaxed and manage your stress levels effectively

My Strategy

As one of London’s leading Cognitive Hypnotherapy specialists, I have helped countless people from all backgrounds overcome the obstacles holding them back professionally and personally. People come to me from all walks of life – from business professionals to young people, from members of the armed forces to celebrities – and they all leave with the tools they need to achieve their goals.

My unique approach combines Cognitive Hypnotherapy with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), self-hypnosis and this combination has proven to be incredibly effective in helping clients to resolve a wide range of issues.

In just a few hypnotherapy sessions, I can help people to overcome anxiety, stress, fears, phobias, addictions, procrastination and more. This enables them to reach their full potential and achieve the success they desire in their personal and professional lives.

Online Hypnotherapy From The Comfort of Your Own Home Via Zoom or Skype

When it comes to solution-focused hypnotherapy, there’s no need to leave the comfort of your own home! I offer online sessions via Zoom or Skype, which is a great option for those who live overseas or prefer the convenience of virtual treatment.

Both of these platforms are secure and allow for real-time communication, so you can be sure that you’re getting the most out of your session. I’ll be able to see and hear you, and you’ll be able to see and hear me, so there’s no need to worry about feeling lost or alone in hypnosis.

During our session, we’ll explore what’s been going on for you and how hypnosis can help.

I’ll provide guidance and support throughout, and together we’ll work to create positive change in your life.

I Show You How to Take Back Control of Anxiety

Cognitive Hypnotherapy works with the unconscious mind and swiftly gets to the root cause of your anxiety and changes your thinking.

You’ll be able to identify anxiety patterns and triggers and learn skills to respond differently in the future, allowing you to be in complete control at all times.

You Will Get the following:

• Get to the underlying root cause of the anxiety.

• Change how you think using powerful mindset reprogramming.

• Learn skills & strategies to remain calm and in control at all times

• Gain back valuable time and live a free & happier life

Common Questions People Ask Us About Anxiety Treatment

• Can hypnotherapy get rid of anxiety?

It can help to get rid of anxiety in the short term. If you’re looking for a long-term solution, it’s combining hypnotherapy with cognitive behavioural therapy or another form of contact with us for better results.

• How many sessions of hypnotherapy do you need for anxiety?

Many people find relief from their anxiety symptoms after only a few sessions of hypnotherapy. However, the number of sessions required will vary from person to person, so it’s best to consult with a qualified hypnotherapist to find out what would work best for you.

Overcome Anxiety Today and contact me at [email protected] or call me on 020 7099 7786 for your free consultation.