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Dental Phobia – Overcoming Fear of Dentists Hypnotherapy London

Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist in London

I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that liked going to the dentist. Just the noise of a drill is enough to send shivers down most people’s spines. For some it can be a mild anxiety inducing event and for others it can even result in feelings of full blown terror. It’s estimated that 25% of us have anxiety about a visit and a further 10% have an extreme fear of dentists.

The great news is that phobias are very simple to treat and you might only need a couple of sessions. So whether it’s the sound of the drills, thought of pain, feeling of needles, gagging, anxiety or something else, if you want to overcome a fear of the dentist then Cognitive Hypnotherapy could be just what you’re looking for today.

I Show You How To Overcome Your Fear of The Dentist

Through Cognitive Hypnotherapy we’ll get to the root cause of your phobia and change how you think about a trip to the dentist, using powerful mindset reprogramming – so it no longer holds the emotion or fear it once did. You’ll see a trip to the dentist differently and have a much more positive experience as a result.

Effective skills will also be taught which will enable you to be in control of anxiety at the dentist.

You Will:

Get to the cause of your dental anxiety & change how you think

Take back control of anxiety or fear

Have a much different and positive experience with any dental work

Overcome Dentist Phobia Today and contact me at [email protected] or call me on 020 7099 7786

Contact me today for a free consultation & book a session