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Hypnotherapy for fear of flying in london

Hypnotherapy for fear of flying in london

Have you experienced fear of flying symptoms?

If you’re one of the 30% of people who has a fear of flying, that simple trip from A to B can be nothing short of hellish. Just mentioning flying can create an image of being inside a giant metal tube, 20,000 feet up, with no way out, no control and no happy ending.

Avoiding plane travel is rapidly becoming more difficult; whether you’ve been asked to travel for work or your family would like to go on holiday, travelling days by car or by boat isn’t a viable option. If you want to overcome the fear of flying in London, then Cognitive Hypnotherapy could be what you’re looking for today.

Feel anxiety at the thought of a trip, let alone booking it and flying?

Have you experienced a bad flight or a panic attack?

Use alcohol or drugs to deal with anxiety?

Make excuses to work or your partner?

Are you hyper-aware of your surroundings, noise, and movement?

Can’t fully relax on holiday as you think about the flight home?

Fear of Flying Phobia in London

The fear of flying is a common phobia that can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. People suffering from this fear often find it difficult to relax during take-off, landing, and flight.

They may also be unable to get on board an airplane and miss out on overseas holidays, visiting loved ones, or international business meetings.

One popular method is to take cognitive hypnotherapy sessions. These programs are designed to help people learn about airplanes and aviation and teach them how to relax and feel more in control during flights.

Hypnotherapy is effective because it allows you to access your subconscious mind through relaxation techniques; once connected, positive, powerful suggestions can be implanted there, resulting in a heightened sense of well-being and empowerment.

Programs vary in length and intensity, but most participants find them helpful in learning to conquer their fear.

Overcome Process

So, you’re afraid to fly? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Millions of people are affected by aviophobia each year. But there is hope. You can easily overcome your fear of flying and make a lasting recovery.

The first step is to admit that you have a problem and need help. The next step is to come in for a consultation. I offer free consultations so you can explore your options and see if our program is right for you.

My program typically involves 1 or 2 sessions. Use a variety of treatment methods, including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, NLP and hypnosis. In most cases, people see a significant improvement after just one appointment.

If you want to take the first step toward getting over your fear of flying, give us a call or check out our website.

Fear of Flying Hypnotherapy

Do you find yourself tense and anxious when on a plane? Or maybe you’re able to fly but find it a very uncomfortable experience. If this is you, then I can help.

Many people are terrified of flying and for a good reason. Flying can be a scary experience, especially if you don’t know what to expect.

But there is hope. There is a good way to overcome your fear of flying, and that’s with hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy can help you to change the way you think about flying, and it can help you to feel more confident and relaxed when you’re on a plane.

When you are afraid to fly, your mind is focused on the fear. You may be worried about what could happen if the plane crashes or if you lose your luggage. Hypnotherapy can help you to relax and focus on the positive aspects of flying. It can help you to feel more confident and calmer when you are up in the air.

As a professional hypnotherapist, Cari Wesby uses a combination of advanced hypnotherapy and NLP techniques to help you to overcome your fear of flying.

I’ll work with you to identify the root cause of your fear and change the way that you think about flying,

I’ll also help you to develop positive associations with air travel so that you can enjoy every aspect of your flight, from take-off to landing.

So, if you’re ready to overcome your fear of flying, call us today on 020 7099 7786 or book an appointment online now.

What causes flight phobia?

Fear of flying, also known as aviophobia, is a fairly common phobia. It is estimated that 6 to 9 per cent of the population suffers from some form of aviophobia. Despite this, there is still a lot of mystery surrounding the fear of flying.

Some potential reasons include a fear of enclosed spaces, a fear of heights, a fear of turbulence, or a fear of crashing. Additionally, some people may dislike the sensation of flying or find it uncomfortable or anxiety-provoking.

For some people, their fear of flying may be related to a traumatic experience they had while travelling by plane. For example, if they were on a plane that encountered turbulence and felt scared or unsafe, this could lead to a lifelong phobia of flying.

Whatever the root causes, there are ways to help overcome a fear of flying. If you’re struggling with this phobia, talk with me about strategies you can use to manage your anxiety and feel more comfortable when travelling by plane.

Fear of Flying Symptoms

Are you afraid of flying? You’re not alone. Many people are scared of flying, even though it’s one of the safest means of transportation.

Here are the most common symptoms of fear of flying:

    1. Feeling anxious or uneasy about getting on a plane.
    2. Having a sense of panic or dread when thinking about flying.
    3. Experiencing physical symptoms such as a fast heart rate, sweating, and feeling lightheaded or dizzy.
    4. Feeling like you can’t control your fear or that you’re going to have panic attacks during the flight.
    5. Avoid flying altogether or making excuses to avoid travelling by plane.
    6. Experiencing nightmares or intrusive thoughts about flying.
    7. Thinking about plane crashing or have anxiety disorders
    8. Feeling overwhelmed and stressed out during the pre-flight process (e.g., checking in, going through security, etc.).

How I Can Help You Fly Again

Fly fearlessly again with the help of my hypnosis recording. We will work on the cause of your worry rather than just treating symptoms – this means we get you flying smoothly again!

As a clinical Hypnotherapist, I also offer CBT techniques for when things go wrong or if they happen too often; my free “calm flight” recording is there as an added bonus so that even during air travel people can use these tools at their own pace whenever desired.

Some of the common ways in which we can help you change include the following:

-Helping you understand your phobia and your mind in more depth

-Changing your core beliefs around yourself.

-Focussing on how you want to feel rather than on how you don’t want to feel

-Teaching you and helping you integrate new tools, insights and perspectives

-Providing support and encouragement throughout the process.

I believe that change can be fun, and I would be honoured to help you overcome your phobia comfortably and easily.



Clinical hypnotherapy can be a more direct and possibly more real way to heal old emotional wounds and change long-held beliefs and points of view than traditional psychotherapy.


Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has been compared to a software manual for the brain. It has been shown to improve and speed up the human performance, especially in business and sports.


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on thinking critically affects how we feel and act. CBT focuses on changing how you think and feel, not how you thought and felt in the past.

I Show You How To Overcome the Fear Of Flying

Cognitive hypnotherapy works with the unconscious mind and swiftly gets to the root cause of your fear and changes how you think with powerful mindset reprogramming.

You’ll be able to identify anxiety patterns and triggers and learn skills so that you respond differently in the future, allowing you to be in complete control at all times and enjoy the process of flying.

You Will:

  • Get To the Root Cause of Your Fear of Flying
  • Change How You Think
  • Take Back Control of Anxiety
  • Enjoy Travelling By Plane Again

3 Common Questions People Ask Us About Fear of Flying

Is it normal to be afraid of flying?

  • Yes, it is completely normal to be afraid of flying. About 30% of the population has a fear of flying.
  • There are ways to help overcome your fear of flying, such as talking to someone who isn’t afraid of flying or reading about how airplanes work.

Can hypnosis help with flying fear?

  • Hypnosis can help with flying fear by teaching people how to relax and feel more confident while flying.
  • In some cases, hypnosis can even change how a person perceives flying so it becomes less fearful.

Where Can I Get Treatment?­

  • You can get fear of flying treatment from a cognitive hypnotherapist.
  • Cognitive hypnotherapy is a very effective way of dealing with phobias and can help you to overcome your fear of flying in a relatively short amount of time. The therapist will work with you to identify any negative thoughts or beliefs contributing to your fear and will help you replace them with more positive, supportive ones.

Overcome your Fear Of Flying Today And Contact Me At [email protected] Or Call Me On 020 7099 7786